Welcome to the Sage Developer’s Guide!#

Everybody who uses Sage is encouraged to contribute something back to Sage at some point. You could:

  • Add examples to the documentation

  • Find bugs or typos

  • Fix a bug

  • Implement a new function

  • Contribute a useful tutorial for a mathematical topic

  • Translate an existing document to a new language

  • Create a new class, create a fast new C library, etc.

This document tells you what you need to know to do all the above, from reporting bugs to modifying and extending Sage and its documentation. We also discuss how to share your new and modified code with other Sage users around the globe.

Here are brief overviews of each part; for more details, see the extended table of contents below. No matter where you start, good luck and welcome to Sage development!

  • Trac server: all changes go through the Sage Trac server at some point. It contains bug reports, upgrade requests, changes in progress, and those already part of Sage today. Click here for more information.

    Importantly, you will need to create a trac account in order to contribute.

  • Source code: You need your own copy of Sage’s source code to change it. Go there to get it and for instructions to build it.

    If you have never worked on software before, pay close attention to the prerequisites to compile on your system.

    As an easy way to get started, you can run and edit Sage’s code and contribute your changes using Gitpod, a free online development environment based on VS Code. It will launch a pre-made workspace with all dependencies and tools installed so that you can start contributing straight away. Start by going to Gitpod, and read our Gitpod guidelines to learn more.

  • Conventions: read our conventions and guidelines for code and documentation.

    For everything related to manuals, tutorials, and languages, click here.

  • Git (revision control): To share changes with the Sage community, you will need to learn about revision control; we use the software Git for this purpose.

Git and Trac for Sage development#

First Steps with Git#

Sage uses git for version control.

Using Git with Trac#

To contribute back your changes to Sage source code to the project, you will need a ticket on the Sage trac server.

Writing Code for Sage#

Running Sage’s tests#

Testing on multiple platforms#

Additional development and testing tools#

Contributing to Manuals and Tutorials#

Sage Coding Details#

Packaging the Sage Library#

Packaging Third-Party Code#

Indices and tables#

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.