Graded free resolutions#
Let \(R\) be a commutative ring. A graded free resolution of a graded
\(R\)-module \(M\) is a free resolution
such that all maps are homogeneous module homomorphisms.
sage: from sage.homology.graded_resolution import GradedFreeResolution
sage: S.<x,y,z,w> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: I = S.ideal([y*w - z^2, -x*w + y*z, x*z - y^2])
sage: r = GradedFreeResolution(I, algorithm='minimal')
sage: r
S(0) <-- S(-2)⊕S(-2)⊕S(-2) <-- S(-3)⊕S(-3) <-- 0
sage: GradedFreeResolution(I, algorithm='shreyer')
S(0) <-- S(-2)⊕S(-2)⊕S(-2) <-- S(-3)⊕S(-3) <-- 0
sage: GradedFreeResolution(I, algorithm='standard')
S(0) <-- S(-2)⊕S(-2)⊕S(-2) <-- S(-3)⊕S(-3) <-- 0
sage: GradedFreeResolution(I, algorithm='heuristic')
S(0) <-- S(-2)⊕S(-2)⊕S(-2) <-- S(-3)⊕S(-3) <-- 0
sage: d = r.differential(2)
sage: d
Free module morphism defined as left-multiplication by the matrix
[ y x]
[-z -y]
[ w z]
Domain: Ambient free module of rank 2 over the integral domain Multivariate Polynomial Ring
in x, y, z, w over Rational Field
Codomain: Ambient free module of rank 3 over the integral domain Multivariate Polynomial Ring
in x, y, z, w over Rational Field
sage: d.image()
Submodule of Ambient free module of rank 3 over the integral domain Multivariate Polynomial Ring
in x, y, z, w over Rational Field
Generated by the rows of the matrix:
[ y -z w]
[ x -y z]
sage: m = d.image()
sage: GradedFreeResolution(m, shifts=(2,2,2))
S(-2)⊕S(-2)⊕S(-2) <-- S(-3)⊕S(-3) <-- 0
An example of multigraded resolution from Example 9.1 of [MilStu2005]:
sage: R.<s,t> = QQ[]
sage: S.<a,b,c,d> = QQ[]
sage: phi = S.hom([s, s*t, s*t^2, s*t^3])
sage: I = phi.kernel(); I
Ideal (c^2 - b*d, b*c - a*d, b^2 - a*c) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in a, b, c, d over Rational Field
sage: P3 = ProjectiveSpace(S)
sage: C = P3.subscheme(I) # twisted cubic curve
sage: r = GradedFreeResolution(I, degrees=[(1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (1,3)])
sage: r
S(0) <-- S(-(2, 4))⊕S(-(2, 3))⊕S(-(2, 2)) <-- S(-(3, 5))⊕S(-(3, 4)) <-- 0
sage: r.K_polynomial(names='s,t')
s^3*t^5 + s^3*t^4 - s^2*t^4 - s^2*t^3 - s^2*t^2 + 1
Kwankyu Lee (2022-05): initial version
- class sage.homology.graded_resolution.GradedFreeResolution(module, degrees=None, shifts=None, name='S', algorithm='heuristic')#
Graded free resolutions of ideals of multivariate polynomial rings.
– a homogeneous submodule of a free module \(M\) of rank \(n\) over \(S\) or a homogeneous ideal of a multivariate polynomial ring \(S\)degrees
– (default: a list with all entries \(1\)) a list of integers or integer vectors giving degrees of variables of \(S\)shifts
– a list of integers or integer vectors giving shifts of degrees of \(n\) summands of the free module \(M\); this is a list of zero degrees of length \(n\) by defaultname
– a string; name of the base ringalgorithm
– Singular algorithm to compute a resolution ofideal
is an ideal of \(S\), it is considered as a submodule of a free module of rank \(1\) over \(S\).The degrees given to the variables of \(S\) are integers or integer vectors of the same length. In the latter case, \(S\) is said to be multigraded, and the resolution is a multigraded free resolution. The standard grading where all variables have degree \(1\) is used if the degrees are not specified.
A summand of the graded free module \(M\) is a shifted (or twisted) module of rank one over \(S\), denoted \(S(-d)\) with shift \(d\).
The computation of the resolution is done by using
. Different Singular algorithms can be chosen for best performance.OUTPUT: a graded minimal free resolution of
The available algorithms and the corresponding Singular commands are shown below:
Singular commands
This does not check that the module is homogeneous.
sage: from sage.homology.graded_resolution import GradedFreeResolution sage: S.<x,y,z,w> = PolynomialRing(QQ) sage: I = S.ideal([y*w - z^2, -x*w + y*z, x*z - y^2]) sage: r = GradedFreeResolution(I) sage: r S(0) <-- S(-2)⊕S(-2)⊕S(-2) <-- S(-3)⊕S(-3) <-- 0 sage: len(r) 2 sage: I = S.ideal([z^2 - y*w, y*z - x*w, y - x]) sage: I.is_homogeneous() True sage: R = GradedFreeResolution(I) sage: R S(0) <-- S(-1)⊕S(-2)⊕S(-2) <-- S(-3)⊕S(-3)⊕S(-4) <-- S(-5) <-- 0
- K_polynomial(names=None)#
Return the K-polynomial of this resolution.
– (optional) a string of names of the variables of the K-polynomial
sage: from sage.homology.graded_resolution import GradedFreeResolution sage: S.<x,y,z,w> = PolynomialRing(QQ) sage: I = S.ideal([y*w - z^2, -x*w + y*z, x*z - y^2]) sage: r = GradedFreeResolution(I) sage: r.K_polynomial() 2*t^3 - 3*t^2 + 1
- betti(i, a=None)#
Return the \(i\)-th Betti number in degree \(a\).
– nonnegative integera
– a degree; ifNone
, return Betti numbers in all degrees
sage: from sage.homology.graded_resolution import GradedFreeResolution sage: S.<x,y,z,w> = PolynomialRing(QQ) sage: I = S.ideal([y*w - z^2, -x*w + y*z, x*z - y^2]) sage: r = GradedFreeResolution(I) sage: r.betti(0) {0: 1} sage: r.betti(1) {2: 3} sage: r.betti(2) {3: 2} sage: r.betti(1, 0) 0 sage: r.betti(1, 1) 0 sage: r.betti(1, 2) 3
- shifts(i)#
Return the shifts of
sage: from sage.homology.graded_resolution import GradedFreeResolution sage: S.<x,y,z,w> = PolynomialRing(QQ) sage: I = S.ideal([y*w - z^2, -x*w + y*z, x*z - y^2]) sage: r = GradedFreeResolution(I) sage: r.shifts(0) [0] sage: r.shifts(1) [2, 2, 2] sage: r.shifts(2) [3, 3] sage: r.shifts(3) []