\(p\)-adic Printing#
This file contains code for printing p-adic elements.
It has been moved here to prevent code duplication and make finding the relevant code easier.
David Roe
- sage.rings.padics.padic_printing.pAdicPrinter(ring, options={})#
Creates a pAdicPrinter.
ring – a p-adic ring or field.
options – a dictionary, with keys in ‘mode’, ‘pos’, ‘ram_name’, ‘unram_name’, ‘var_name’, ‘max_ram_terms’, ‘max_unram_terms’, ‘max_terse_terms’, ‘sep’, ‘alphabet’; see pAdicPrinter_class for the meanings of these keywords.
sage: from sage.rings.padics.padic_printing import pAdicPrinter sage: R = Zp(5) sage: pAdicPrinter(R, {'sep': '&'}) series printer for 5-adic Ring with capped relative precision 20
- class sage.rings.padics.padic_printing.pAdicPrinterDefaults(mode='series', pos=True, max_ram_terms=- 1, max_unram_terms=- 1, max_terse_terms=- 1, sep='|', alphabet=None)#
This class stores global defaults for p-adic printing.
- allow_negatives(neg=None)#
Controls whether or not to display a balanced representation.
neg=None returns the current value.
sage: padic_printing.allow_negatives(True) sage: padic_printing.allow_negatives() True sage: Qp(29)(-1) -1 + O(29^20) sage: Qp(29)(-1000) -14 - 5*29 - 29^2 + O(29^20) sage: padic_printing.allow_negatives(False)
- alphabet(alphabet=None)#
Controls the alphabet used to translate p-adic digits into strings (so that no separator need be used in ‘digits’ mode).
alphabet should be passed in as a list or tuple.
alphabet=None returns the current value.
sage: padic_printing.alphabet("abc") sage: padic_printing.mode('digits') sage: repr(Qp(3)(1234)) '...bcaacab' sage: padic_printing.mode('series') sage: padic_printing.alphabet(('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'))
- max_poly_terms(max=None)#
Controls the number of terms appearing when printing polynomial representations in ‘terse’ or ‘val-unit’ modes.
max=None returns the current value.
max=-1 encodes ‘no limit.’
sage: padic_printing.max_poly_terms(3) sage: padic_printing.max_poly_terms() 3 sage: padic_printing.mode('terse') sage: Zq(7^5, 5, names='a')([2,3,4])^8 2570 + 15808*a + 9018*a^2 + ... + O(7^5) sage: padic_printing.max_poly_terms(-1) sage: padic_printing.mode('series')
- max_series_terms(max=None)#
Controls the maximum number of terms shown when printing in ‘series’, ‘digits’ or ‘bars’ mode.
max=None returns the current value.
max=-1 encodes ‘no limit.’
sage: padic_printing.max_series_terms(2) sage: padic_printing.max_series_terms() 2 sage: Qp(31)(1000) 8 + 31 + ... + O(31^20) sage: padic_printing.max_series_terms(-1) sage: Qp(37)(100000) 26 + 37 + 36*37^2 + 37^3 + O(37^20)
- max_unram_terms(max=None)#
For rings with non-prime residue fields, controls how many terms appear in the coefficient of each pi^n when printing in ‘series’ or ‘bar’ modes.
max=None returns the current value.
max=-1 encodes ‘no limit.’
sage: padic_printing.max_unram_terms(2) sage: padic_printing.max_unram_terms() 2 sage: Zq(5^6, 5, names='a')([1,2,3,-1])^17 (3*a^4 + ... + 3) + (a^5 + ... + a)*5 + (3*a^3 + ... + 2)*5^2 + (3*a^5 + ... + 2)*5^3 + (4*a^5 + ... + 4)*5^4 + O(5^5) sage: padic_printing.max_unram_terms(-1)
- mode(mode=None)#
Set the default printing mode.
mode=None returns the current value.
The allowed values for mode are: ‘val-unit’, ‘series’, ‘terse’, ‘digits’ and ‘bars’.
sage: padic_printing.mode('terse') sage: padic_printing.mode() 'terse' sage: Qp(7)(100) 100 + O(7^20) sage: padic_printing.mode('series') sage: Qp(11)(100) 1 + 9*11 + O(11^20) sage: padic_printing.mode('val-unit') sage: Qp(13)(130) 13 * 10 + O(13^21) sage: padic_printing.mode('digits') sage: repr(Qp(17)(100)) '...5F' sage: repr(Qp(17)(1000)) '...37E' sage: padic_printing.mode('bars') sage: repr(Qp(19)(1000)) '...2|14|12' sage: padic_printing.mode('series')
- sep(sep=None)#
Controls the separator used in ‘bars’ mode.
sep=None returns the current value.
sage: padic_printing.sep('][') sage: padic_printing.sep() '][' sage: padic_printing.mode('bars') sage: repr(Qp(61)(-1)) '...60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60' sage: padic_printing.sep('|') sage: padic_printing.mode('series')
- class sage.rings.padics.padic_printing.pAdicPrinter_class#
This class stores the printing options for a specific p-adic ring or field, and uses these to compute the representations of elements.
- dict()#
Returns a dictionary storing all of self’s printing options.
sage: D = Zp(5)._printer.dict(); D['sep'] '|'
- repr_gen(elt, do_latex, pos=None, mode=None, ram_name=None)#
The entry point for printing an element.
elt – a p-adic element of the appropriate ring to print.
do_latex – whether to return a latex representation or a normal one.
sage: R = Zp(5,5); P = R._printer; a = R(-5); a 4*5 + 4*5^2 + 4*5^3 + 4*5^4 + 4*5^5 + O(5^6) sage: P.repr_gen(a, False, pos=False) '-5 + O(5^6)' sage: P.repr_gen(a, False, ram_name='p') '4*p + 4*p^2 + 4*p^3 + 4*p^4 + 4*p^5 + O(p^6)'
- richcmp_modes(other, op)#
Return a comparison of the printing modes of self and other.
Return 0 if and only if all relevant modes are equal (max_unram_terms is irrelevant if the ring is totally ramified over the base for example). This does not check if the rings are equal (to prevent infinite recursion in the comparison functions of p-adic rings), but it does check if the primes are the same (since the prime affects whether pos is relevant).
sage: R = Qp(7, print_mode='digits', print_pos=True) sage: S = Qp(7, print_mode='digits', print_pos=False) sage: R._printer == S._printer True sage: R = Qp(7) sage: S = Qp(7,print_mode='val-unit') sage: R == S False sage: R._printer < S._printer True