Interface to several Rubik’s cube solvers.#

The first is by Michael Reid, and tries to find an optimal solution given the cube’s state, and may take a long time. See

The second is by Eric Dietz, and uses a standard (?) algorithm to solve the cube one level at a time. It is extremely fast, but often returns a far from optimal solution. See

The third is by Dik Winter and implements Kociemba’s algorithm which finds reasonable solutions relatively quickly, and if it is kept running will eventually find the optimal solution.


– Optimal was written by Michael Reid <> (2004) – Cubex was written by Eric Dietz <> (2003) – Kociemba was written by Dik T. Winter <> (1993) – Initial interface by Robert Bradshaw (2007-08)

class sage.interfaces.rubik.CubexSolver#

Bases: object



sage: from sage.interfaces.rubik import *      # optional - rubiks
sage: C = RubiksCube("R U")                    # optional - rubiks
sage: CubexSolver().solve(C.facets())          # optional - rubiks
'R U'
sage: C = RubiksCube("R U F L B D")            # optional - rubiks
sage: sol = CubexSolver().solve(C.facets()); sol  # optional - rubiks
"U' L' L' U L U' L U D L L D' L' D L' D' L D L' U' L D' L' U L' B' U' L' U B L D L D' U' L' U L B L B' L' U L U' L' F' L' F L' F L F' L' D' L' D D L D' B L B' L B' L B F' L F F B' L F' B D' D' L D B' B' L' D' B U' U' L' B' D' F' F' L D F'"
sage: RubiksCube(sol) == C                     # optional - rubiks
sage: C = RubiksCube("R2 F'")                  # optional - rubiks
sage: CubexSolver().solve(C.facets())          # optional - rubiks
"R' R' F'"
sage: C = RubiksCube().scramble()              # optional - rubiks
sage: sol = CubexSolver().solve(C.facets())    # optional - rubiks
sage: C == RubiksCube(sol)                     # optional - rubiks
class sage.interfaces.rubik.DikSolver#

Bases: object

solve(facets, timeout=10, extra_time=2)#


sage: from sage.interfaces.rubik import *   # optional - rubiks
sage: C = RubiksCube().move("R U")          # optional - rubiks
sage: DikSolver().solve(C.facets())         # optional - rubiks
'R U'
sage: C = RubiksCube().move("R U F L B D")  # optional - rubiks
sage: DikSolver().solve(C.facets())         # optional - rubiks
'R U F L B D'
sage: C = RubiksCube().move("R2 F'")        # optional - rubiks
sage: DikSolver().solve(C.facets())         # optional - rubiks
"R2 F'"
class sage.interfaces.rubik.OptimalSolver(verbose=False, wait=True)#

Bases: object

Interface to Michael Reid’s optimal Rubik’s Cube solver.


The initial startup and precomputation are substantial…


Let it keep searching once it found a solution?


sage: from sage.interfaces.rubik import *    # optional - rubiks
sage: solver = DikSolver()                   # optional - rubiks
sage: solver = OptimalSolver()  # optional - rubiks # long time (28s on sage.math, 2012)
Initializing tables...
sage: C = RubiksCube("R U")                  # optional - rubiks
sage: solver.solve(C.facets())               # optional - rubiks
'R  U'
sage: C = RubiksCube("R U F L B D")          # optional - rubiks
sage: solver.solve(C.facets())               # optional - rubiks
'R  U  F  L  B  D'
sage: C = RubiksCube("R2 D2")                # optional - rubiks
sage: solver.solve(C.facets())               # optional - rubiks
'R2 D2'
class sage.interfaces.rubik.SingNot(s)#

Bases: object

This class is to resolve difference between various Singmaster notation.

Case is ignored, and the second and third letters may be swapped.


sage: from sage.interfaces.rubik import SingNot
sage: SingNot("acb") == SingNot("ACB")
sage: SingNot("acb") == SingNot("bca")